The electric vehicle (EV) industry made steady progress in 2024, marked by advancements in core technologies like batteries, charging systems, and power management. From the announcement of 10-minute fast-charging batteries to the rollout of … [Read more...]
First UL-certified detachable cable EV charger
The "Brooklyn-718," a first-generation charger by itselectric, has become the first-ever electric vehicle (EV) charger with a detachable cable to be certified under UL Standards. This leap in EV charging technology for the North American market can … [Read more...]
California introduces Equitable EV Charging Act to increase charging access
California assembly member Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento) has introduced Assembly Bill 2427, the Equitable EV Charging Act, to increase access to electric vehicle (EV) charging for residents of multi-family housing by making it easier to deploy … [Read more...]
SWTCH software to optimize itselectric’s charging network
itselectric, a Brooklyn-based electric vehicle (EV) curbside charging company, has partnered with SWTCH Energy, a company pioneering EV charging solutions for multi-tenant buildings across North America. SWTCH will provide software to itselectric for … [Read more...]